The Coming Storm

Rhonda Marrone
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2020


Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

A storm is coming
Hear the thunder?
Smell the rain?
See the flash of lightning?

This storm approaches
Clearing the grime of years.
Transformations will arrive
To change things
That cannot remain the same.

The coming storm
Is fed by injustice.
It is fed by racism.
It is churned by lies
And misinformation.

This disturbance has been brewing
For a long time.
White police shoot black people.
Militia members murder protestors .
White sheriffs say “Lock the bums up!”
White politicians say “Thugs! Animals!”

The storm is coming.
It won’t be stopped.
A corrupt politician in DC flounders,
His obedient servants follow
Blindly, they worship.

But the storm comes
No matter how loud he screams,
“Law and Order!”
We will fight!
We will resist!



Rhonda Marrone
Resistance Poetry

Poetry and Essay Writer. Be Open Editor. Lover of all things nature. You can most likely find me sitting under a tree ,watching birds, writing poems.