The Creep Walking in My Direction

Why this woman pulled the plug and charged forward, unencumbered at last.

Suzanne V. Tanner
Resistance Poetry


Artist: Ra2 studio/Shutterstock

Oh yeah, it was him,
one of the chief foolish ones.
A blow-hard of self-imagined
Platinum status, a
Deputy Dog misogynist.
Traipsing among a swarm of
end of day commuters.
Waving puppet arms at me
like a clown in the big tent
on a tricycle.

It was a mocking gesture.
Meaning: na-na-
Missing was his tongue
sticking out at me.
Typical behaviour of his coven of
old, straight, white, women-bashing men.
A squad of career destroyers.
A crew intent on mashing up its own industry’s
successful women’s souls
as if they were boiled potatoes.
All because these females
do not look like them.
And besides,
watch these boys now
slouched at water coolers doing
the nudge, nudge, wink, wink
Women, they chortle,
have only a singular use:
to serve men and them.

