Ré Harris
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2017


Photo by bykst via Pixabay

The Evil POTUS: August 15, 2017

I can hear him.
He knows.
It’s 2017, my tv’s on,
he’s giving me the finger,
saying Fuck You with
racist ass-kissers behind him,
kissing his racist ass.
He must be hallucinating that it’s 1917 and still
‘acceptable’ to say such things.
But then again,
he’s always said words that meant, Fuck You.
And he was elected president.

That’s Fuck Omarosa. Dr. Ben too. And Elaine.
But they’re good with that.
A lot of people like them are weird like that.
Okay with shit like that.
But it’s mostly ghosts standing with him,
wannabe special, creating havoc
as if the hearts they were born with
haven’t already withered,
racists like the asshole they elected,
giving me the finger, all of them ready to take ‘back’ something they’ve never been entitled to.

And they want to do worse than that.
It was open season on me before, now
the asshole president says the “Very Fine”
neo-nazis and white supremacists
were “Treated Unfairly.”

He was like this, long before he ran,
when he pushed his first campaign lie — 
the drug of an insult that proved
he could get away with being appallingly racist,
and most white folk would only
wonder what it meant and tsk tsk
that anyone would call out the ‘r’ word,
because it’s so unfair
to be expected to learn the code,
when you don’t have to know it
to live.

There was a time when I didn’t care who this asshole liar was.
Now this racist is the insulter-in-chief.
Every day he feels like a stalking terror I can’t shake.
I’m angry that he’s able to hurt me.
I’m livid that he’s able to hurt so many more than me.



Ré Harris
Resistance Poetry

Muser, Writer ~ practicing storytelling like Hendrix did guitar.