The Good Die Young


Bernadette DeCarlo
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Chetan Menaria on Unsplash

I searched my heart to tell you nothing but the truth.

I searched for words of wisdom, but nothing rang true.

I listened to your concepts — I listened through and through.

But I couldn’t help you — not even with the truth.

Sometimes you were relentless on the path to self-destruct.

But your kindness always stayed in my heart.

I see your face still shining — although your spirit left.

While I sat and thought how I will lay him to rest,

I looked at my mortality and thought how this can be.

Knowing this is not the natural order of things.

I screamed inside and said, “God, please!!

This is my baby brother who died before me!”

I thought of all the moments that passed before me.

I thought of how I should have used them more passionately.

When the wake was over, I paid my last respects.

I looked at you so peaceful and realized my regrets.

Excerpts from my memoir, Alexandrine and Me.



Bernadette DeCarlo
Resistance Poetry

Writing has healed me in ways that I could have never imagined.