The Hidden Cost of Inequality

Is there a price that you are willing to pay?

Jesse Wilson
Resistance Poetry


The cost of inequality
exercised by privilege and power
serves to perpetuate
the ransom all humanity pays

A ransom which has cost us dearly
dragging humanity into an enormous debt
orchestrated by division

Societal constructs
of race, gender, wealth, sexuality
Cloaked in subjectively
Once there to identify the group to which we belong

Have now become the agents
Often used with blind ignorance
and a seasoning of hypocrisy
to preserve the dissonance
we know too well

All too frequently we see the generation debt
a consequence of the hefty ransom
inherited for no reason other than
it is safer and easier to pay

The oppressor and oppressed all lose
An unfortunate human tragedy
In which very few care to comprehend
our diminished human potential



Jesse Wilson
Resistance Poetry

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.