The Problem Is You

A Language Teaching Method: Choral Drilling

Sylvia Wohlfarth
Resistance Poetry


Please repeat after me:

The Problem
The Problem is
The Problem is Not
The Problem is Not That
The Problem is Not That you
The Problem is Not That you Want
The Problem is Not That you Want To
The Problem is Not That you Want To Exercise
The Problem is Not That you Want To Exercise your
The Problem is Not That you Want To Exercise your Right
The Problem is Not That you Want To Exercise your Right To
The Problem is Not That you Want To Exercise your Right To Be
The Problem is Not That you Want To Exercise your Right To Be Infected

I Do Not Care About you —And Yes, It Is your Right To Be An Ignorant Fool

The Problem Is That By Exercising your Right To Be An Ignorant Fool
you Will Not Only Infect Those you May Love — Other Than yourself
But you Will Infect And May Cause The Death Of The Innocent
Vulnerable— The Poor — The Sick — The Aged —
And Many, Many More
(Including your
Selfish self)



Sylvia Wohlfarth
Resistance Poetry

An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…