credit: Norse research

The Trick has been played, Coyote moves on.

Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry


Puca watched his brother Coyote

Fall from the tail of White headed Eagle again,

Fall far from the Sun and Immortality un-gained.

Another of Coyote’s tricks unhinged another fall.

Puca knew Coyote would take on another shape,

Always with the same voice, wise people would not listen to.

But the poor and wretched needing hope might.

Puca watched Coyote transform into another form.

As sure as night followed day, a trick would be played,

So that Coyote would reach the sun and immortality.

Puca smiled it is the endless game the Trickster plays,

Puca feels restless, there’s always another game to be played.


credit: An Puca

Puca are important mythological figures in the Celtic world. The Puca is a shape shifter. Puca are capable of good; but also capable, in their sinister form, of terrible life…



Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow.