TikTok Teens

Thwart Trump’s Tulsa Theatrics

Linda A Robinson, PhD
Resistance Poetry


Photograph: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty

A million registrations for Tulsa’s extravaganza
Guess what — FAKE NEWS.
Only 6.2K Trumpettes showed up.
A total triumph for TikTok Teens.

Who knew that teens could take a page
out of Gandhi’s approach to non-violent resistance?
And make it into a prank for the world’s biggest egomaniac.
A total triumph for TikTok Teens.

Instead of 200K seriously ill persons
Two-to-three weeks from now, with 1m attendees,
we’ll have but 1.2K seriously ill persons.
A total triumph for TikTok Teens.

I applaud those TikTok Teens.
They’ve saved the lives of thousands of people,
Even if they are Trump supporters.
And eased the burden on our health care system.

Brava and Bravo TikTok Teens!

Thanks for reading, y’all.

If you are only reading, here at Medium, I suggest that you connect with your ‘inner artist’ and begin writing — essays, opinion pieces, poems — free verse, haiku, tanka, sonnets — whatever.



Linda A Robinson, PhD
Resistance Poetry

Student of Life, Retired I-O Psychologist & Top Writer on Quora 2018