To Our “Beloved” Oligarchs

A Poem Of Just Fairness In A Time Of Just Greed

Dale Biron
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

After William Stafford and Anand Giridharadas

It’s time for some change around here.
I know, change is a pain, especially,
if you’ve had all the best properties
on that color-coded monopoly board.
Especially, if someone tries to trim

even a little of that ivy off your league.
Yes, of course, the army of accountants
and lawyers you keep, provide so many
off-shore havens, that you barely pay taxes,
and when you do, they don’t stay paid long.

And I haven’t even mentioned the hedge funds
that you own, or operate, or simply invest in,
that don’t really produce much of anything,
but finance just about everything. Yes, you
squeeze your fingers in between every dollar

of profit freed up by those 10,000 layoffs. But
don’t worry, “Eat the rich” is just an expression.
Our kind aren’t violent, and follow the laws.
Please though, I beg you to listen carefully.
My advice: “Don’t give it away, give it back.”

© 2020 –Dale Biron



Dale Biron
Resistance Poetry

Poet | Author | Speaker “I focus on poetry as a tool for living a better, saner, and happier life in our personal, civic, and work lives.”