tread lightly on this sweet earth (note to humanity)

An environmental rumination

The Original Human Content Journal
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

Quite odd
Do I find
People opposed
Over our environment...

Is it clean water
They protest?
Breathable air?
Stabilized weather…
Or natural resources?

Are delicate ecosystems that maintain balance
The thorn
& piercing
Through to our microbiome?

Do people really want glaciers to melt?
Do they fully comprehend impact?

I wonder if they perceive we only have

 O N E

Environment for all?

Maybe they find themselves
Opposed to funding the
Clean up crew
Of wrongs
Set in motion centuries ago?

Oh but man was given dominion over the earth & all that’s in it” chest proudly out, atop the high. horses...noses in the air…



The Original Human Content Journal
Resistance Poetry

Life long learner. Birder. Digital gardener. Creative. Blogger. So-so Photographer & Terrible Poet. One planet, one environment... for all.