Hieronymous Bosch.

Trump being impeached … Oh dearie, dearie me … the hyperbole, the horror, the poor, poor man.

Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readDec 18, 2019


Oh lordie …

listen up America …

apparently the women in Salem

accused of sorcery & witchcraft

and then hung or pressed to death

had more rights than one Donald J. Trump,

oh and in case you’d missed the outrage,

the veritable outpouring of indignation,

shock & well-springs of piteous word-play,

Jesus! …

now he’s Jesus,

yes now Trump becometh as

one Jesus H. Christ

before Pilate …

oh but there’s more,

more to tell,

Pearl Harbor …

this day in Congress is

“another date that will live in infamy”

the esteemed Mike Kelly,

oh yes,

Pearl Harbor!

the Founding Fathers would be offended,

Pelosi doesn’t really pray,

& this is all

a hit-job

from the Radical Left

Godless Deep State Democrats.

oh this poor, poor man.




Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry

More Trump stuff going back to that day in November can be found @ martgenova.blogspot.com, Poems for Trump.