
Trump tear-gasses and then poses bible aloft … Oh Jesus!

Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry


As the most irreligious of men …

no! … that most bitter, divisive, hateful

of human beings who in his defense

folks throw out …

“well he doesn’t really mean it”

“don’t take it all so literally”

that …

“I’m the least racist person there is anywhere in the world,”

sower of anger, division, discord, & victimhood

in the name of votes and a power base,

that cynical conscience-less man

who brought Birtherism

to our fragile shores,

with its tenet of the lesserness of the Black man,

that evil, evil doctrine …

this man …

Peaceful demonstrators were cleared from the park,

through tear gas, horses and stun grenades,

so as he and his entourage of non-mask-wearing cabinet men,

could hasten twixt riot police honor guards,

to pose oh so authoritatively afore the church he rarely visited,

to hold aloft a bible …

all strong man, reassuring man, divine upholding man,

all charade, pose and reality studio theatric,

& as tear gas wafts,

he dominates,

stands oh so mighty,


& deep down,

oh so Christ-like.


“And in particular, that of the people of color in our nation, who wonder if anyone ever — anyone in public power will ever acknowledge their sacred words. And who are rightfully demanding an end to 400 years of systemic racism and white supremacy in our country. And I just want the world to know, that we in the diocese of Washington, following Jesus and his way of love … we distance ourselves from the incendiary language of this President. We follow someone who lived a life of nonviolence and sacrificial love.

“We align ourselves with those seeking justice for the death of George Floyd and countless others,” she continued. “And I just can’t believe what my eyes have seen.”

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington



Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry

More Trump stuff going back to that day in November can be found @, Poems for Trump.