Waiting in open space

Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2020



We sit outside the doctors now,
waiting our turn to be called
sitting on the low brick wall
watching traffic go slowly by

its quiet by the river side waiting for the tests
fish rise catching flies make rippled rings
in a smooth mirror glass reflected sky
pairs of ducks and coots swim by

It’s the perfect place waiting for the doctors call
a fast moving flash of turquoise electric blue
catches my eye, a kingfisher caused my spirit to rise
I knew it was a sign the tests would prove alright

It’s the perfect place to sit wearing my mask
but I was pleased, too, it hadn’t rained
the door opened and my name was called
I feel the uncertainty churn my gut again.

This is not a drill, this is not an exercise
No ones playing games, at least not I.
Are you?





Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow. www.celfypridd.co.uk