
Walking with Water, Walking with Love.

Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry


Walking with water

Jacques Benveniste believed water retains on a molecular level a memory that triggers antibodies. His hypothesis remains unproven. But his conviction stayed firm until his end came.

When I was a child I believed God lived in the skies.
it was the only way God could see everything
God was everywhere his proximity was frightening
I walked the mountains searching endlessly
I know I wasn’t alone in these beliefs
I’ve written fifty years and a day, written as they say
without knowing whether my words were listened to
so I walk these mountains listening to your words
I walk old pathways following mountain trails
I sing my words I sing my song to silence.

I reflect on our indifference
to the way we walk on water
we float on strata of sandstone
once beaches and layered memory
water filters and holds
breaching the surface
springs and dark pools.
And I walk endlessly
on the draining land
beneath my feet
examining the new
examining the past
walking with water
walking with love.



Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow.