We The People

A Villanelle

Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry


Hear ye! Hear ye! Let it be known

On the third day of November, in the year two thousand and twenty

The one who thinks he is a king will be overthrown

The grifter used the presidency as a stepping stone

To steal from the good citizens every damn penny

Hear ye! Hear ye! Let it be known

The man-child has a propensity for evil, thus he has shown

Blaming others for his failures, for there are plenty

The one who thinks he is a king will be overthrown

The Republican party hath shown no backbone

They allowed a cruel and oppressive government, he delights in tyranny

Hear ye! Hear ye! Let it be known

Our beloveds were lost to the virus, over 250,000 gravestones

He seeks Putin’s and Kim Jong Un’s attention, praying for an entente

The one who thinks he is a king will be overthrown

A dictator on the rise, turning the US into a combat zone

We The People! Vote him out! For we are Many!

Hear ye! Hear ye! Let it be known

The one who thinks he is a king will be overthrown



Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House // " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou