What Is the Point of Life?

A prose poem


Photo by Jake Thacker on Unsplash

The point of life is to live.

Now go. Live.

Easier said than done.

What does to live even mean?

It is not only about togetherness, playfulness, and confetti. No dear one, there's plenty of work to do. If there is one thing life teaches us, is that the natural tendency of things is to get worse. So we'd better work, if not to get better, at least to keep things as good as they are.

Do the dishes and the laundry. Work and pay the bills. Help our dear ones. Help those in need when we can. Take good care of our minds, bodies, and soul. Of course, we can do all these things with joy. Yet, cultivating that kind of attitude is, after all, a job of its own. Oh, the work of living. But whatever you do, never forget to celebrate!

The point of life is to be alive. And the only thing life wants is to create even more life. In this planet, life feeds on life. We are creators, not only of babies but of delicious meals, decorated homes, personal projects, efficient companies, sweet SMSs, long-distance trains, fun board games and apps. We are natural artists, souls within bodies made to dance and sing.

The point is to be present and witness all life that permeates existence. Be awed by the colorful flowers, eccentric trees, and funny clouds. To get inspired by the unique way that others have chosen to live their lives. To be constantly reminded that, when it comes to how to live, there is no external rule demanding to be followed. To have the awareness that keeping up with the status quo has always been an individual choice.

So how do we choose to live?

The point is to claim who we are. To know that when the world outside is getting us off track, we can shut our eyes and connect to our hearts. To know each one of us is a universe of her own. And just like the solar system, everything is alright as long as we have anchored our lives around our center, the inner sun of our hearts. That is the only way to have clarity of what we want, to act in alignment and be guided from within.

The point is to release from anything that is blocking us from living. To be present in the here, now. To remember that yes, we are the masters of our own lives. We can say a big fat NO to anything that is not in alignment with spreading love and light. All we need to do to live guided by life is to nurture the flame in our hearts.

And so off we go, feeding life with life.



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
Resistance Poetry

Life's not a hustle: I help you live your purpose with clarity, love & well-being. Watch Free Class 'Live from the Heart': alineram.com/live-from-the-heart