What Trump CAN talk about …

Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry
1 min readNov 2, 2017


When in Charlottesville that day

a man drove a car

into Heather Heyer

& killed her,

“I don’t want to go quickly

& just make a statement

for the sake of making

a political statement,”

& that was then,

& then the murder

of 59 folks in Las Vegas

& the 527 injured,

in what was in fact

the worst mass shooting

in American history,

we’re told to keep quiet,

to not talk politics,

that now’s not the time,

this mourning period

this sacred moment,

& he says he’ll maybe

look into it later,

guns that is,

but one man

kills 8 people

in New York,

& the floodgates open,

there’s blame on the Democrats,

the visa system,

the justice system,


there’s talk of swift

& immediate justice

for this ‘animal’

of ditching legal niceties

of retribution

& tainted families,

& Radical Islamic Terrorism,

oh so soon

all this

Furious Sound,

oh how we’ve all

but forgotten

the 59 dead

in Vegas

& the oh so armed


who carried it out.



Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry

More Trump stuff going back to that day in November can be found @ martgenova.blogspot.com, Poems for Trump.