What was the Meaning?

An Easter Poem by an Agnostic

Resistance Poetry


© Dennett April 2018

What was the meaning of the life you gave?

If you did.
If you came.
If you returned and will again.

Was your sacrifice for revenge?
To foster hate, exclusion, bigotry?
Your words as written by men
Seemed better than that —


Was your goal the making of bible-thumpers
Threatening hell and damnation?
Was your aim white men in blue suits making laws
To contain, shame, blame and defame?

Are the words on Fox yours or theirs or another’s?
Did you crown the King of Liars,
Making a joke of your teachings,
Stirring hate in a land that championed you?

I once thought I knew you.

Then I lost you.

Now I don’t trust you

Because of those who represent you.

What was the meaning of the life you gave?



Resistance Poetry

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.