What We All Need Right Now

(With love from Gandhi and MLK)

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Resistance Poetry


I have a dream, photo by Christyl Rivers

Dear Leader,
You have just one job only:
To protect and serve
We pay you for one thing solely,
Even out disruptive curves

Diplomacy abroad
Win hearts and minds at home
Where democracy is flawed
You jump in, to take us home

Dear Police,
You have just one job only:
To protect and serve
Though blue lines can be lonely
It’s your job to have some nerve

Officers who won’t protect,
Must face charges, if they cheat
Treat the public with respect
To find kind quiet on Main street

Dear Community,
You have just one job only:
To protect and serve
A Beloved Community
Is nothing less than we deserve

Dear Parents,
You have just one job only:
To protect and serve
Teach your children
To love boldly
And hold Ahimsa in reserve

Dear Children,
You have just one job only:
To protect and serve
Defend Mother World securely
Since your elders missed the curve



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Resistance Poetry

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.