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When Men Keep Other Men in Chains

Paul Mullinger
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJul 21, 2020


Good is submerged and evil reigns,
the soul of a nation slowly dies,
when men keep other men in chains.

No trace of decency remains
when men believe biological lies.
Good is submerged and evil reigns.

Oppression with its scourge ingrains,
bigotry takes root while conscience flies,
when men keep other men in chains.

Respect for law sometimes restrains
the evil tendencies that rise
when good is submerged and evil reigns.

Advance is not without its pains.
Love accepts while hate denies,
and still men keep other men in chains.

The nation suffers its stresses and strains,
but that should not be a great surprise
when good is submerged and evil reigns
and men keep other men in chains.

July 2020



Paul Mullinger
Resistance Poetry

I studied religion at the UC-Berkeley and have been interested in the spirit ever since. I try to give my poems a spiritual aspect whenever possible.