When we get there

Nathalie E. Amazan
Resistance Poetry
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2020


Photo by Shirien at shirien.creates

Question everything
Struggle in the present for the world we wish to live in
accept tragedy as inevitable
like the laughter of healing
pain unavoidable
truth is coming at roots
lifting liberation from twisted tongues forcing mother out for colonizers’ boots to drag into our homes,
us out onto ships of wet bones, cold trails, graveyards, one in the same
they were not invited
but we are a hospitable people who
embody the teachings of Jesus better than any church on stolen land could ever even begin to think of what it could mean to love a neighbor without exception
we clean the feet of our guests
empty cabinets for their sustenance
we understand life is sacred
exist in community with the inalienable rights of air, water, land, and heavens
know where you come from,
who you come from?
know the emotions that color your veins blending yesterday into today where past is future is past and present and forever is non-linear
don’t be discouraged if the peculiarities of tomorrow signify regression
we are more than our present circumstances
freedom without imagination is emptier than good without love
freedom without freedom is too often the cause of destruction
If you’re not writing for freedom
What are you doing then?
free your soul
free the world
Siege on Gaza dripping blood in the sea
Blowing second hand ash into the river
have you heard the teargassed screams coming out of Falasteen?
can’t breathe
not enough ventilators for the children…

