
Where ‘r’ is always zero

Alan Passey
Resistance Poetry


I think that you may have hit the nail on the head.
An accident of course
your record does not suggest that you would
have done it purposely

your aim, frequently wide,
ensuring that no fragment or spatter
should hit your sacred breast.

But you are right. Perhaps the time has come
for all those who would lead
to demonstrate their quotient. A test of intelligence.

Money can’t buy me love, nor, it would seem,
guarantee wisdom.

Question 1

How much “bravura” is required to outweigh
the “informed opinion” of any
number of climate scientists?

Your answer should equate to 1.
Show your workings in the margin.

Don’t worry. I’ll wait by the window.
I can see the last pollinated flowers from here.

Only move on when this is complete.
Do not attempt №2 even though
you may know the equivalent value of arrogance where
a (arrogance) = i (intelligence — positive or negative) x m (money — positive)minus r (respect)
where ‘r’ is always zero.

I admit all the values may be variable,
except ‘r’, of course.

Perhaps you will do better at the practical.

Stand up straight.
Push your shoulders against the wall.
Tighten your core — okay, maybe not.


Blow !



Alan Passey
Resistance Poetry

Writing, creating, sharing…still hoping for the hippy dream.