World Series of Politics 2017

Patsy Starke
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2017

Home Team GOP Haters
Visitors DNC Under Dogs

I am a political ball
Bouncing off the wall

I’m over the plate
Where they swing with hate

Bases were loaded
When the players voted

Health care for all
Foul they call

They tried to steal
With an empty appeal

With amendments Dems do stall
Strike three, the umpire’s call

GOP tried to hit me from the park
Caught by a Dem, they missed their mark

Two down one out to call
Looks like the GOP will fall

On equality, their coach does balk
He tried to run before he could walk

The fans in an uproar
But look at the score

For the skinny repeal
There was no deal

Dems win again
A shout out and a big amen

55 Nays
45 Yays
Patsy, 2017



Patsy Starke
Resistance Poetry

Registered Nurse, Transgender Woman In a lifelong transition, Parent, Grandparent, Normal every day run of the mill person, realizing my place here.