Last Gallon of Blue

Lisa Patrell
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2020


We do not need more power…we already use our immense power to destroy the earth… — Siddhanth Pachipala, 2020 May 20, What is Gone is Not Lost, Medium

Earth does not need us, to
Save the environment. It needs us, to
Stop sucking her dark blood from
Magna Terra’s veins and smoking it.

Stop welding links in the chain from
Industrialists’ pockets to ports on
Great Lakes, rivers, and seas — what
Water swallows on one shore, it vomits on
Another. Stop
Closing your eyes to the children of 48217 gasping,
I can’t breathe, as if living in 248 area-code
North of 8-Mile saves you and yours.

Painting the walls of your own bedroom with the last
Gallon of clear blue in the world. Where you began, at
Your door, like a prayer. Unfurling rolls of paint. Strokes,
Aligned, so that the blue could make a round around
Your bed. Your ceiling cannot be refreshed. Blue is gone.
Made grey by what comes through the windows. This is
Your room. You will be sleeping in it.

copyright 2020LisaPatrell



Lisa Patrell
Resistance Poetry

I am too old to be new, but not so worn that I cannot regard life anew in poetry. Other hours I hold space for people transforming & do things for our planet.