You’ll have to learn to walk!

A Resistance Poem

Pablo Pereyra
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Greg Willson on Unsplash

The drums of war are calling,
they want them to be loud,
they play them with such passion,
to silence the soft cries,
of the ones who have believed them,
they were going to be lead,
marching towards the green pastures,
but to the slaughterhouse, they went:

Arriving there, with sore feet!

They keep on promising the world,
and the more and more they took,
while they promised to give back:
There’s a sale, have a discount,
their weight we carry, in our backs.

But I’m tired of your dead weight,
I won’t carry you anymore,
there’s a reason I don’t advance,
is your weight pulling me down,
I will walk now with light feet,
I won’t wage war on my siblings!
Nor my friends, not on your name!
We all stand on our own two feet!

Get off of our backs!



Pablo Pereyra
Resistance Poetry

Finding inspiration in movement. Searching for identity.