Desktop Wallet, Mainnet, and CPU Miner now Live!

Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2019

Mainnet is live, the wallet is available for download, and KYC for the IEO is open! This marks a huge milestone in the Resistance project and we’re excited as ever to share our hard work.

Getting Started

  1. Download the Resistance Wallet.
  2. Follow the onboarding instructions in the wallet.
  3. Once you’re in the wallet, you can complete the KYC process and get verified for the IEO on August 2nd, 2019.

IEO Details

Our IEO will take the form of a Dutch Auction with the first round opening on August 2nd, 2019. You can read the official announcement here:

Troubleshooting KYC

If you receive an error message saying “Manual Review” when applying for your KYC, please contact an admin in our Telegram Channel with your issue. Our team will review the issue and respond with next steps.


To better understand the Resistance Wallet, the following tutorial will show you how to use our decentralized exchange, mine with Proof-of-Research, and setup your wallet.

Mainnet Goes Open-Source

You can view and verify our mainnet code by heading to our Github.

How to Mine

  1. Open your Resistance Wallet.
  2. Navigate to “Settings”, choose the number of CPU cores you want to use, then toggle the slider to start mining.

You can find a more comprehensive breakdown in our tutorial above.

Block Explorer

View detailed information on all Resistance transactions here.

How to Enable Tor

  1. Open the Resistance Wallet.
  2. Navigate to “Settings”, enable Tor by toggling the slider.
  3. Type in your password again.

We’re incredibly grateful to the community for your patience throughout this journey. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Resistance Wallet!

Until next time,
Resistance Team

