Launching Private Mainnet!

Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2019

We’re excited to announce that from today our current production build has reached the Private Mainnet phase.

But what is Private Mainnet?

Private Mainnet is our final stage before releasing our Mainnet to the masses, a Mainnet Beta/0.0 if you will. It has all of the features of the main release and is ready to be deployed. We will be be undergoing final testing with select third party providers.

We’ve improved the core code in our blockchain, updated the wallet structure, and simplified the ResDEX UI/UX to make day-to-day trading as smooth as it can be.

We’ve gone ahead and compiled a list of upgrades and features that you will find on ResDEX once it is ready. Although we are yet to announce an exact date for the official launch, we have planned for it to occur after we complete our Initial Exchange Offering(IEO). Without further ado, let’s take a look at the improvements!

Core Development Updates

Core Technology

  • Blockchain download and node sync times have been reduced through more aggressive block prefetching and PoW verification caching. We now observe a download or sync speed of 50 blocks per second, although we recognize this will reduce on mainnet as transaction volume increases.
  • Code has been refactored to improve maintainability.
  • The Resistance blockchain now requires less CPU and storage, meaning the ResDEX GUI is less resource intensive.
  • Yespower parameters are now production ready after fine-tuning the core tree to accommodate the heavier PoW consensus algorithm.


  • Private transactions are now relayed to the network in seconds, rather than minutes.
  • ResDEX now supports Sapling shielded addresses and transactions.
  • Coins now privatize faster, ensuring trades execute in less time.

Application Updates

Not only has our core technology seen dramatic improvements, our user-facing applications are also more efficient and easier to use.

Desktop Wallet

  • The wallet and ResDEX actively support the new internal Testnet and Mainnet as soon as it is launched.
  • Atomic swaps are now done in seconds with the ‘Instant Swap’ feature.
  • ResDEX now allows for the atomic swaps of Ethereum-based currencies, referred to as ‘etomic swaps’.
  • Windows and Linux user experience improvements.

Ledger Nano S Integration

Ledger Nano S users can now manage their Resistance coins on our Desktop Application.

Language Support

Multiple languages will be supported, with Korean translation already implemented in our recent build.

Simplex Payments Integration

Simplex payments are now integrated directly into the wallet interface.

Enhanced Privacy

We’ve made it simpler to track the flow of your assets as they are privatized and transferred. The ‘Enhanced Privacy’ feature also allows those transactions to occur with total anonymity.

Enhanced privacy features now included

Portfolio Management

In the latest version of ResDEX, we have included a portfolio management and recovery feature to enhance usability.

Stay tuned for further updates!

