Resistance AMA October 2019

Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2019


Why can we see no liquidity on ResDEX and what happened to the Huobi MENA partnership, like sharing the order book?

ResDEX is fully peer to peer so you can’t see people’s trades. No middleman can interfere and monitor people’s transactions. The Huobi MENA partnership was never about sharing an order book — we said it would provide liquidity and it does. Try trading BTC to ETH or USDT and see the liquidity in action. However, liquidity isn’t there for RES pairs right now from Huobi, because RES isn’t listed on the exchange. We have traders who are providing liquidity for RES. Try and buy or sell RES for ETH and see it working.

What is happening with the partnership?

To be announced. We have had several face-to-face follow up meetings and working on cooperation.

Did Anthony buy Porsche 911 using project funding?

No, he did not. Anthony bought a full-spec Porsche over three years ago, he just changed it to another one — which for the record is a used vehicle. Anthony also has a full-time salary as a Chief Security Officer, developed and receives royalties from this, and started mining over six years ago.

When will a fully working DEX be released?

The tech team is making improvements daily. The next release should come within 2 weeks.

What will be the course of action to boost the price of RES?

This is a utility token and is not supposed to be used speculatively, that said our market maker has been tightening the circulating token supply, and other exchange listings are to come. The core thing now is that the community stays behind RES and supports the project instead of spreading negativity that will force the price down further. With more listings, RES will become adopted by the mainstream, more people will download the wallet, try the ASIC-resistant mining functionality, and more. Mainstream adoption makes Resistance powerful, whereas negativity hurts everyone.

How can users check the total supply of the tokens in the Resistance block explorer?

To increase transparency, will the team provide the wallet addresses of the team and advisors?

We are a privacy coin and will not jeopardize this by sharing this info, but some of the advisors did dump coins which we were obviously not very happy about. In regard to the team wallet, RES for that hasn’t been distributed yet but it will put into a masternode. Once it is there, we will make the address public immediately.

When will RES be on CoinMarketCap?

When we are approved.

Does the project use programmatic liquidation using GSR?

The fundraising climate from the time the project began has changed dramatically and has spared no one. The value of Grin has dropped over 60% in the last three months, Litecoin 45%, and Zcash 40%. The entire crypto ecosystem is in the same boat — for this reason, the project has had to adapt. The team is tightening it’s circulating token supply in favor of gradual algorithmic trading of the treasury funds as a way to generate revenue against the burn rate. Everything regarding market making is strictly under NDA and cannot be discussed in public with the community.

Why doesn’t the core team mention Resistance in their LinkedIn profiles?

Resistance is a decentralized project that will be eventually handed down to the community, that’s why team members don’t list it on their LinkedIn. In fact, building the Resistance blockchain started over six months before anyone even knew about it. If you want to know more about the team behind Resistance you just have to visit the website.

What is the purpose of Instant DEX in the assets tab of Resistance wallet?

This is what makes the Atomic Swap process faster since you don’t have to wait for the blockchains block confirmation. RES collateral is used instead. For example, you don’t need to wait 10 minutes or more for a Bitcoin block confirmation. The instant swap functionality is released, and it is working.

How can this contest be audited to demonstrate it is provably fair?

The contest didn’t hit the cap, and our advisors have told us not to release this many tokens as it will build up selling pressure and the number of wallet downloads with KYC applications won’t make this risk worth it. Because the more people we can get to download the wallet and use its functions, the more it will be adopted, pushing up the value of RES. We need to have this fair balance before we close the competition and distribute the prizes. That is why we stated a total of 35,000 entries is needed before we draw the ten winners. The contest will be reposted, and we hope to get a better response next time. The winners are randomly chosen by not us.


Error appears when Eth is withdrawn-STATUSCODEERROR: 500 — {“ERROR”:”LP_COINS:795] ETH:1655] ETH:2021] INVALID ADDRESS CHECKSUM”}

Invalid ETH address. Please double check that the address is pasted in correctly.


Update wallet to the latest version


This is most likely related to anti-virus. Sometimes anti-virus will delete the “resistanced” binary which is needed for the wallet to work. You will need to whitelist Resistance in your anti-virus before you install it (or reinstall it). This is not a problem specific to Resistance, this occurs with many other blockchain-related projects.


Sometimes it takes time for the order book to load (depending on your internet connection and other factors). Please wait and the messages should go away. Ensure you are not on a VPN as sometimes this affects the connection.

