Protect Your Creative Work with CC Licenses

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4 min readMay 24, 2023


In the digital age, where sharing and collaboration are integral to creativity, protecting your work while allowing others to benefit from it can be a delicate balance. Creative Commons (CC) licenses provide a solution by offering a standardized framework that grants permissions and sets restrictions for the use of creative works. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the different types of CC licenses and their key features.

What is Creative Commons (CC) ?

Creative Commons (CC) is a nonprofit organization that promotes openness in creativity. CC enables creators to share their works while retaining certain rights and granting permissions to others.

CC licenses are a set of copyright licenses that enable creators to communicate to others the permissions they grant for the use of their work. These licenses provide a simple and legally sound way to share and protect creative works, including NFT artwork, digital media, and more.

Creative Commons licenses are based on four different permissions:

  • Attribution: The license requires that others who use the work give credit to the creator.
  • Non-Commercial: The license prohibits others from using the work for commercial purposes.
  • No Derivative Works: The license prohibits others from making changes to the work.
  • Share Alike: The license requires that others who share the work use the same license.

Creators can choose which permissions they want to grant, and they can mix and match the permissions to create a license that is right for their needs. For example, a creator might choose to allow others to share their work for commercial purposes, but require that they give credit to the creator.

How are CC licenses different from traditional licenses ?

Creative Commons (CC) licenses differ from traditional copyright licenses by offering more flexibility and options for creators. CC licenses allow creators to choose the permissions they grant to others, such as the ability to use, modify, distribute, or remix their works. This enables a more open and collaborative environment for sharing and building upon creative works. Other common licenses include Viral Public License, All Rights Reserved etc.

  1. CC BY (Attribution)
    The CC BY license allows others to use, distribute, remix, and build upon your work, even for commercial purposes. The only requirement is that proper attribution is given to the original creator. This license promotes the widest range of freedom while ensuring credit is given where it’s due.
  2. CC BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike)
    Similar to CC BY, the CC BY-SA license allows for the use, distribution, and modification of your work, but with the added condition that derivative works must be licensed under the same terms. This license encourages collaboration and the sharing of derivative creations.
  3. CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial)
    With the CC BY-NC license, others are allowed to use, distribute, and modify your work, but only for non-commercial purposes. Proper attribution is still required. This license ensures that your work is not used for commercial gain.
  4. CC BY-ND (Attribution-NoDerivatives)
    The CC BY-ND license permits the distribution of your work, both commercially and non-commercially, as long as no modifications are made. It requires proper attribution, but others cannot create derivative works based on your original piece.
  5. CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)
    The CC BY-NC-SA license combines the attributes of the CC BY-NC and CC BY-SA licenses. It allows others to use, distribute, remix, and build upon your work, but only for non-commercial purposes. Any derivative works must be licensed under the same terms.
  6. CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives)
    This is the most restrictive CC license. It permits others to download and share your work, but strictly for non-commercial purposes and without any modifications. Proper attribution is still required.
  7. CC0 ( Public Domain)
    The CC0 license is the most liberal license which allows creators to dedicate their works to the public domain. By applying the CC0 license, creators waive all rights associated with copyright and related rights, making their work completely free for unrestricted use, modification, and distribution. You can read about impact of CC0 in the NFT ecoystem here.


Understanding the different types of Creative Commons licenses empowers creators to protect their work while allowing others to benefit from it within the specified terms. Each CC license offers a unique balance between sharing and control, catering to various preferences and intentions. By choosing the appropriate license and communicating it effectively, artists and creators can ensure their creative rights are respected while fostering collaboration and innovation.

CC licenses provide a standardized way for creators to communicate permissions and promote a culture of openness, fostering innovation, education, and the free exchange of ideas in a digital age.

Remember, it’s always advisable to review the specific terms and conditions of each CC license to determine the best fit for your creative work.

This is a GPT 3 assisted blog

Note: It’s advisable to consult the specific laws of your jurisdiction and seek legal advice for accurate and up-to-date information on copyright and related issues.

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You are welcome to republish this post on your website, as long as you provide attribution and a link, as it is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.




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