How to Heal with Energy Work and VortexHealing®

An intuitive healer shares her spiritual journey and energetic practices for working through trauma.

Elizabeth Marchetti
Resonance Magazine


Most of us have experienced some form of trauma growing up. We may have memories of it. But we also may have blocked it out or internalized it.

As children, we were reliant on our caregivers to determine our sense of safety and self-worth in the world. So, certain events that we dismiss now as small and insignificant, impacted us deeply at the time. On top of that, we can experience collective and intergenerational trauma, as proven in the field of epigenetics.

The thing is: trauma transcends time and space. When trauma survivors experience flashbacks, they revert to that same state of helplessness as 20 or 40 years ago. The emotion attached to the event remains the same.

So, the old adage “time heals” is untrue. Trauma gets stored in the body and nervous system, which can cause blocks and illness. As Bessel Van Der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score (one of the most important trauma literature books) explained: the body doesn’t lie.

This is why many trauma-based practices focus on working with the body. And as we’ve covered in previous articles, our body is not just a physical entity — it’s…



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