In Pursuit of a Better Player

Resonate Streaming
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2018

While a lot of different ideas have informed the development of our unique #stream2own model, the core concept behind the player lies in the fact that artists need to be paid a fair wage for their hard work.

Issues around inequitable royalty distribution on streaming services have been well-documented. While streaming has been hailed by some as the music industry’s savior, there are plenty of rebukes and critiques that make it clear that the issue is far more complex than how much money major labels are raking in (though if you’re here, you probably already knew that).

infographic from Statista

Many streaming platforms that pay artists less employ an ad-supported model, which isn’t financially viable for the platform, nor for the artist. Furthermore, targeted advertising doesn’t accord with our privacy values, so we’re sidestepping the freemium issue altogether.

The ‘pay-as-you-go’ alternative

#stream2own is a pay-as-you-go (rather than subscription-based) model. It reconfigures value in the streaming era, and rewires listeners’ relationships to music. As the price per-play gradually doubles over 9 plays, casual listeners are effortlessly transformed into dedicated fans.

This is a key way in which we’re different from the current crop of streaming services, though there are other distinctions that are worth pointing out. Ultimately, there are essentially three approaches that streaming services can take:

1. Allow anyone to upload material, and rely on safe-harbor provisions to respond to takedown notices (SoundCloud, YouTube)

2. Enter into licensing deals before uploading (Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music)

3. Design licensing/compensation structure into the entry point itself (Resonate)

This third approach offers unique benefits to musicians and labels. Not only does it lead to accessibility for lesser-known artists looking to make their work available, but as we improve functionality, it should lead to efficient payouts to all stakeholders.

Where to next?

While our vision and model are based on paying artists fairly and per-stream, we also understand that sometimes artists want to make things available for free. We’re working on a platform that gives artists flexibility, so that they can promote and share their work on their terms.

The player isn’t quite there yet, but we’re working on many changes to make that happen. We at Resonate believe we’ve got a great model, but it also presents a major usability challenge: how do you change user behavior? #stream2own already appeals to a specific subset of independent music fans — but we can’t rely solely on their passion for music to propagate. Our model is fundamentally different from others out there, so ensuring that the design and experience appeal to a broader group of people is going to be crucial.

We’re aware of our player’s shortcomings (it is still in Beta, after all) and we’re working hard on improving it. Up until a couple months ago, the Resonate team was made up entirely of volunteers. Our new, dedicated staff members are working on some major updates.

We really appreciate your patience; please stick with us while we build something great.

