An Open Letter To The Awful Maths Teacher Who Tried to Bring Me Down

You had no business being a teacher.

Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2021


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Dear Maths Teacher Who Tried To Bring Me Down,

You always had the worst attitude. I honestly don’t know why you signed up to be a teacher; if you hated your job, you should have chosen another career.

I had always hated Mathematics, so it was no surprise when I found myself in the foundation class at the beginning of year nine.

Back when maths classes were segmented into three tiers; foundation, intermediate and advanced, the highest grade the foundation tier could get was a D.

At the start of year ten, I was moved up from the foundation tier class into the Intermediate tier because I had scored well above my average mark at the end-of-year exam.

I still remember the sour look on your face as I walked into your Intermediate Maths class. You looked at me as if I were a nasty chewing gum stuck to the sole of your shoe. I should have known then that you were going to be a nasty piece of work.

I remember the day of the incident. I was sitting in the front row listening intently as you went on and on about the Pythagorean Theorem.




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