Editor’s Picks — Finding Balance Amidst Chaos

In this issue, we step into a world of peaceful existence crafted by our writers.

Morris T
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2021


RESONATES logo on a backdrop of a woman practicing yoga.
Graphics by author via Canva.com

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.” — Thomas Merton

Life is not easy. And that's an understatement!

In the name of modern living, we chain ourselves to exorbitant standards of our own construct.

Being happy is no longer just being happy itself.

A pleasant apartment, fancy car, flawless complexion, inconsequential to life itself but taken upon to be prerequisites of a wonderful existence.

Do a deep dive into the hardships, stresses, and fatigue faced in exchange for these material possessions, one will realize that it is too much for too little.

In today’s issue of Editor’s Picks, I want to focus on writers who strive to achieve a holistic balance in their lives. Going beyond the temptation of excess living and returning to the roots of a grounded life. Taking real meaningful actions to rid themselves of the bad.

When you are at peace with yourself, nothing can take away that blissful moment.



Morris T

Melancholic by nature, hopeful by choice. Dreams of a day when people are kind to each other. Former Banker and Educator. http://bit.ly/SupportMorris 🙆 🙆‍♂️