January 15th, 2021: Be exactly where you are meant to be

Karen Downton
4 min readJan 15, 2021


As many people may be still plowing through their new year’s resolutions, I think it’s important to stop and be exactly where you are meant to be.

Although we may not like where we are currently are or even understand why we may find ourselves in places we don’t want to be, whether that be employment or unemployment, lack of money, or generally not happy with our life. You can still start to turn things around by being exactly where you need to be right now and let the next pages of your life read on.

I’ve recently read a great thought-provoking article here on Medium by Sam H Arnold

It made me realize that every job I’ve had over the years or even every rejection too has to lead me to the next phase of my life, the important thing though was I had to keep moving forward no matter what. I’ve realized over the past few years that the only direction I’m interested in now is forward.

I started here on Medium in January last year after my government contract ended in October of 2019 and until then I felt lost. It broke my heart that no matter how hard I worked; it would never be permanent.



Karen Downton

🏆Curated writer for RESONATES From Sydney Australia 🇦🇺