
Unprecedented Rain Started My New Year

It gave me much time and space to look back at 2020 and what does it mean for the journey ahead.

Morris T
Published in
5 min readJan 4, 2021


Reflection of buildings on wet raining surface.
The rain never fails to make me ponder. Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Just like a well-choreographed performance, I woke up to a dark rainy stage on New Year’s Day. It went on until the final act concluded three days later. With the exception of a few intermissions, the rain carried the show well. It was heavy with emotions and consistent like clockwork, like a broadway star.

It was very unusual.

It is not known to rain as such this time of the year. There were flash floods all over and social media received a huge shipment of videos depicting chaos and irritated people splashed by water, courtesy of hybrid cars with sailing capabilities.

The long and winding road.

I had much time on my hand. There was only so much one can binge-watch in this 3 days quarantine. I started to frame the rain into context. This gave me the excuse to get all emotional.

Does the rain herald a new beginning by washing away the filth of 2020, or it is a prelude to a new season of the highly acclaimed disaster drama, 2020?

2020 was wicked. And that's an understatement.



Morris T

Melancholic by nature, hopeful by choice. Dreams of a day when people are kind to each other. Former Banker and Educator. 🙆 🙆‍♂️