Writing has 5 senses and 7 days of the week

Karen Downton
3 min readMar 19, 2021


Photo by Solstice Hannan on Unsplash

As a writer, the dreaded writer's block is always hovering around silently disguised as a blank page on a screen with a blinking cursor pacing and ready to strike us down preventing us from writing.

But we can keep that beast away by using what we have.

We all have five senses to use. Touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. There are seven days of the week that you can write about. You can write a movie review on a movie you’ve recently watched, you can write about a song you’ve heard, you can write about the weather where you are. Or you can write about the smell of fresh bread if you want. You have a blank page to fill with your words and it’s waiting for you.

Each day I find things to write about, no matter how small it may seem to look at it, you can write about it. People often tell me I can make a glass of water sound exciting.

I’ve always loved that about myself of my natural ability to make something out of something so inanimate. Maybe that’s because I grew up an only child and had to create my own fun and imaginary world.

I’ve been writing on Medium since January last year and only since January this year I’ve been writing every day.



Karen Downton

🏆Curated writer for RESONATES From Sydney Australia 🇦🇺