quote by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

We need beautiful people to lead the world ♡

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s insight about the beauty of living fully, made me think about the gap between real life and world leadership.

Pilar Saura
Design Thinking
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2013


Don’t you think we need to give a seat at the table to life-experienced people to enlighten us with their understanding of life when it comes to solve the problems we are facing as a world community?

We need visionary leaders and empaths to lead the challenges we are facing as a global community but the world is conducted as a business through professionals trained to carry out business designed solutions to people’s problems. Whether it be defending a nation or designing the 21 century education program, our societies are organized around professional competence. There is not much room for empathic attitudes in this context.

As a society, we are mostly Mision driven (measurable objectives,realizable overarching objectives, results,new markets, etc,). But not much Vision… Meaning no inspiration, no fostering our collective dreams, no designing a desirable futures.No empathic attitudes.

Becoming an actual world leader is a life commitment. Most presidents and world leaders have lived a life totally focused in achieving their position: Not much time to explore and experience other worlds besides their own. We could say that we are lead by unexperienced-in-life leaders:

World leaders are experts in their fields, in just one vertical of life.

So we could say that we are ruled from the perspective of one single vertical (or point of view, for those not familiar with business talking ;))

People that dive deep into LIFE and learn first-hand meaningful real life insights, are almost impossible to find in a business and economy scenario. Beautiful people do not just happen…they need their time…to live fully: Living out of the box is not compatible with the kind of life totally committed to a professional practice requiered to become a world leader now.

-Let’s all start talking about 21 century leadership and the need to find new ways of solving world problems with interdisciplinary teams.

-Let’s give credence to people with a broad life experience.

-Let’s give a seat at the table to life-experienced people and multiply verticals of knowledge and visions.

-Let’s be a world driven not only as a business.

-Let’s be a world driven by real people also.



Pilar Saura
Design Thinking

Strategic Rural Innovation Expert - Author "How To Be an Innovative Rural Mayor" - Founder @Ruraltific - Strategic Designer