Working from a Disney Resort Lobby

Perryn Andrews
Resort Lobby Reviews
2 min readOct 29, 2021

Sometimes you have to, so let’s find the best one.

You’re on vacation. I get it, this is the last place you want to think about work. But deadlines are real, and not everyone appreciates work-life balance as much as we might hope. So the clock’s ticking; maybe you have a presentation to finish or a paper to write or even just some very important emails, and your hotel room just won’t cut it. Time to hit the lobby.

But not every hotel is built the same, and some Disney resort lobbies are better than others. So I’m setting out to review and rank every Disney Resort Hotel lobby space and business center in Florida. And here’s how I’ll do it.

First, a list.

This is the list of things that matter most to me when I’m looking for a good remote work spot. From Starbucks to Star Wars, I compare every place my laptop has been using these five metrics:


This score looks at overall environment: Is the music easy to ignore, or too loud and obnoxious? Is it always crowded and hard to find a seat? Do I feel like I’m in a cave? You know, the important stuff.


Maybe it’s a long paper, or I’ve brought additional materials to reference. Furniture options matter. This score is focused on what chairs are paired with what tables, and if a comfortable laptop posture is even possible (I’m looking at you, awkwardly-low coffee tables).


For this score, I’m looking at two main metrics: Power & Network. Are there enough outlets, and are they close to any viable desk options? And will my Zoom presentation or lecture livestream look like hot garbage? For a worthy remote work option, this score is a big deal.


I think this one writes itself. We all gotta snack. Having quick, cheap, and tasty options nearby is important. And bonus points for a good coffee or alcohol option nearby.


If you are trying to send that one last email with two kids running around in circles, you might need something to keep them busy. A good TV or game option will score big in this category, especially if its within eyesight of that prime desk-space.

The Reviews

During each lobby visit, I will create my review following those 5 scores above. I will spend around 4 hours at the resort, moving between available spaces to accurately score each option. Then I will write the review to be posted right here on Medium. Easy enough.

I’ll also aggregate the scores in real time on a lovely spreadsheet. You can see the live chart of scores here.

So follow along, and share your favorites with the remote-work Disney fan in your life. I’m sure they’ll love it.

