Exformative action as a workshop design and facilitation principle

(the art of mostly “tai” and unpredictable “yu”)

Francis Laleman
resourceful eXformation
5 min readApr 14, 2023


Exformative MYE (Meaningful Youth Engagement) workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia — flaleman, 2023
George Supreeth, Ideasutra,
in: Resourceful Exformation, 2020


The idea of exformation was first coined by Tor Nørretranders (The User Illusion, 1998), referring to information withheld by design. The Japanese designer and educator Kenya Hara transformed exformation into a product design principle, redefining the concept as a communication method by making things unknown (Ex-formation, 2015).

For me, exformation is the end (the ex) of formation. All the way since my student years, I have been experimenting with a pedagogy that exists outside the realm of formation and in-formation. A new approach to learning, where students, instead of shaping their minds to the folds required by hierarchically predefined standards, deconstruct forms and shapes of what we already know, and shatter them, allowing space for new ideas and new meanings.

exformative workshop processes



Francis Laleman
resourceful eXformation

a husband, father, painter, writer, educationist, designer, facilitator. author of “Resourceful Exformation” (a book on facilitation) available from Amazon.