Why Use React For Your Business in 2021?

Praveen Mishra
Published in
6 min readApr 13, 2021

According to Stack Overflow, React (at 74.5%) is the most loved web development framework for businesses. Do developers love React? Sure! But how does using React for business web apps benefit you?

Let’s digress from the technical side for a bit.

In 2021, one of the priorities when choosing a solution, especially for mobile & web development, is its scalability. So the real question becomes: will a platform or a framework they choose now for their web & mobile apps support their scalability in the near future?

This is where React comes with only good news. In this article, I’ll be talking about why React is your best bet for building scalable web apps for your business. More than the simple benefits of React JS, we’ll be talking about the features that make it a perfect fit for businesses from all industries.

Overall Performance

One of the key things to look at when choosing a framework for your web app is its overall performance. And ReactJS has been one of the top choices for businesses since its inception.

React was first deployed on Facebook’s newsfeed. And since then, big brands and companies like Airbnb, Uber, Dropbox, The NY Times, Twitter, and many more use React JS for its impeccable performance optimization capabilities.

So, how does React maximize the overall performance of the web app for your business?

  • Flexibility

One of the most critical features of ReactJS is that it is very flexible. It is super compatible with other languages & frameworks. This allows you to incorporate tons of resources to improve the performance while adding functionalities to your web app.

  • Stop Unnecessary Renderings

One of the disadvantages of using ReactJS & its virtual DOM is an unnecessary component rendering that can impact the performance of your web application.

React offers methods like shouldComponentUpdate() and classes like PureComponent to maximize the performance of your React web app by minimizing its wasted renders.

  • Decreases App Loading Time

Load time & speed play a crucial role in defining the user experience of your web app. Besides, search engines favor web apps with quick loading time.

React.js allows you to maximize the performance of your web app and reduce its load time using third-party plugins. Besides, you can also use compression modules to reduce memory usage and yet again decrease the load time of your React web app.

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Visibility Is Everything

In today’s era where 93% of web traffic comes from search engines, entrepreneurs and CEOs think of the SEO friendliness of their web apps way before development!

React allows you to easily optimize the web app for your business and make them search engine friendly. Here’s how.

So, one of the reasons why React web apps are super fast is because they support client-side rendering. This means that your web elements render in the browser of a user who opens your web app.

Many list client-rendering of React web apps as one of its disadvantages because it causes complications in its crawlability. You can keep the great features that React brings for your web apps — dynamic & quick scaling, and still make it SEO-friendly.

  • Pre-rendering: Pre-rendering is used to make it easier for a Google crawler to render the original version of your React web app. Pre-rendering intercepts a request and sends a cached static HTML version of your website if Googlebot requests it. And thus making your React web apps SEO-friendly and, of course, more visible.
  • Server-side Rendering: This is the easiest way to increase the visibility of your React web apps and make them SEO-friendly.For full-scale React web apps, server-side rendering gives their entire content to Google bot and thus allowing full crawlability! You can make your SPAs render at the server-side just by implementing a layer of Next.js, which is the best for making your React web apps SEO-friendly.

Scalability — Open to New Changes/Updates

One of the most evolutionary features of React is its Virtual DOM and rightly so. To understand how this impacts the decision to build your web app on React, let’s back up a little.

Before 2015, web development was done just using HTML + CSS for the frontend and PHP for the backend. It was the easiest. You just had to render your HTML files using PHP. The need for dynamic & more intuitive web apps led to the dawn of React.

Single Page Apps (SPA) using Javascript were still facing problems because of slow rendering and then came ReactJS with its virtual DOM. Here’s an example.

If Gmail stopped using virtual DOM, your entire browser window would refresh itself every time you receive a new email. And forget the email you were writing when this happens because it won’t be saved in drafts.

React’s virtual DOM makes it super easy to update or create new changes. This is one of its USP, which makes it perfect for building your business on it.

Every time you make a new change in your web application, a virtual DOM is created to show how that change looks in your web app. Your latest changes won’t affect the other components of your web apps, which makes the entire process easier and super fast!

Everyone Is Going Mobile

According to Statista, mobile accounts for around 50% of global web traffic. In the second quarter of 2020, smartphones generated 51.33% of global website traffic. So, how does React.js help in taking your business mobile?

React Native was launched in 2015, 2 years later than the initial launch of React.js. And the primary reason behind it was consumers/customers going mobile. Like always, businesses had to adapt to this new normal to reach their users.

One of the primary reasons for the popularity of React.js is its reusability and flexibility. React JS for your web app comes with an added benefit for your business — React Native!


You can quickly build cross-platform apps for Android & iOS reusing core architecture & methodology from your React web app to offer your products/services to your mobile app users. Here’s an example.

Let’s say that your bakery has a web app, and you now want to launch a mobile app for your business. Your web app’s architecture that allows your users to customize their selections can also be implemented in your mobile app using React Native.

So, you can use your React web apps’ architecture and make it efficiently render for your native web apps on iOS & Android. This helps you to quickly launch your mobile app and cater to your mobile users.

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Final Words — React For Business

When choosing the right framework for the web app of a business, what does an entrepreneur look for?

  • Great UI/UX
  • Cost-efficient
  • SEO-friendly
  • Supports Scalability
  • Quick Development

React.js offers all of the above, along with added features of mobile-friendly and tremendous community support. React is an open-source source framework, which means you can always find third party tools & easy tricks to improve the performance of your web app!

Some of the use cases of ReactJS are — business websites, forums, blogs, company directories, job boards, e-learning sites, and much more. Are you wondering if React is the right fit for your business? Contact us!

Resourcifi is a leading React development company. We have set-up a huge team of highly-skilled React & React Native developers. Contact us to hire React developers for your business today!

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