Global Drug Survey 2019 — help us create change that supports people have happier lives and policy that supports health well-being, not punishment and stigmatization. Take part now!

Psychedelic Community
2 min readNov 13, 2018


Global Drug Survey runs the largest drug survey in the world. Over half a million people have taken part in our last 5 surveys. This year, GDS2019 is translated into 20 languages and with partners in over 35 countries we hope this will be our biggest yet. Committed to helping people use drugs more safely regardless of the legal status of the drug and promoting honest conversation about drug use, GDS relies on the experience and expertise from people all over the world.

GDS2019 — what we are looking at this year

  • The acceptability of psychedelic therapies for mental illness
  • Psychedelic micro-dosing — the good, the bad and who knows?
  • The impact of cannabis health messages on cannabis use
  • The use of cannabis edibles: the good, the bad and the unexpected
  • Fair trade cocaine — would you pay more?
  • How much do you trust your dealer?
  • Drugs, sexual assault and consent?
  • Drugs, the police and fair play around the world
  • What drug is the best value for money

GDS uses an anonymous online survey to conduct the world’s biggest drug survey. The annual GDS survey runs from the middle of November each year for approximately 6 weeks. We partner with global media giants to act as hubs to promote our research, and then as vehicles to share our findings with the general public

Our last two surveys have each received over 100,000 responses. GDS has invested heavily in 2016 in responsive web design and data capture technology to support continuous data submission and improve the experience of our participants. GDS2017, launching November 9th 2016, is predicted to receive over 250,000 responses. A full critique of our methodology including limitations can be found here

By the way, we are very much welcoming any referrals and shares on your channels! We need you. Thanks for contributing to a collective evolution in understanding.



Psychedelic Community

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