Equality! Lol

Snehanshu Shome
Respite Journals
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2017

Sometimes it is just unbearable to keep a thought in your head. I am a social media fanatic, I confess. I spend most of my day going through memes and celebrity pages. But I also go through the articles and reports on Facebook and Instagram. It is in my nature to know more about people and their behavior, anybody in general. I feel happy when I see a person saving a dog or a cat and I feel depressed when a rape victim lies stranded on a road crying for help. Being in a small city and not exactly being an extrovert, social media is the only place through which I get to know the different kinds of people. And even though I am not much vocal about my thoughts today I cannot just keep my thoughts back and move on to laugh on the next meme on internet. Today, I want to write about it and would like to at least try to convince some people whom I feel are going in a completely wrong direction. Today, I feel it is the time to address this issue.

From time to time, there are a certain number of posts, pictures and videos dedicated to women on social media. After the mayhem of the triple talaq issue, women still are trying to voice out their opinion in the form of social media. But what surprises me is the number of men commenting on such kind of posts that we have had too much of feminism, let’s start talking about problems with men. They also justify all this by the fact that they claim they are feminists too but also want equality in this society.

Let me just come straight with this. There has never been an equality and there will never be. The crimes that men have done over the past hundreds of years can never be equated with anything else. There is no starting with a clean state. Yes! Men have been a victim to harassment, yes! Man have been a victim to rape, social pressures and everything that you believe in. I won’t deny it. But just because men have also been through these issues does not negate the fact that over all these years the majorly affected population with such discrimination and violence is the women population and not the men. You can equate two things that are almost equal but not things that have been unequal to a level that is not even defined.

Patriarchy in this society has been there since the dawn of the mankind. Women have not only been subjected to violence but for most of the years went by they and their problems were not even addressed. So why are we — the menfolk — getting so insecure about our position in the “supposedly” equal society? We have already created marvels of inequality in this world why can’t we look back and appreciate if the other part of the population comes to the limelight and finds itself.

The fact also is that it is no responsibility of the men to let women shine on their own. It is not even a responsibility it is just about sharing the space in this world with almost half of the population, the space that they deserve and the space that we have no rights to occupy. The people who think that their should be more articles to address violence and harassment among men should start writing articles of their own. There are other thousands of blogs and pages on social media that bring out such concerns but the space that is reserved for the ladies out there to pour out their heart is their own space. You have no right to question that authority.

