A Fable For Every Table

steve wardrip
Respond and Relapse
1 min readMay 31, 2017

By Steve Wardrip

A Blues song when sung and the lyrics forgotten,
Sing nursery rhymes, and twist them rotten,
Mary had a little lamb, nobody really gave a damn,
Jack wasn’t nimble or quick, burned his wick on the candle stick.

Little Boy Blue came and blew someone’s horn,
The alarms are going off in the dorm,
Oh, where oh where has my little dog gone?
I think he’s under the table or someone’s licking me.

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
They came to split a quarter,
They smoked, got cotton mouth,
Came down the hill for water.

In the middle of the old folks room,
Lay the Holy Bible,
The old man told the attorney, I’ve got a lot of money,
The attorney said in the kindest way, “Looks like you are liable.”

Throw down your weapons and swords,
Forget the war, Forget their demands,
Kill the dumb bastards, Kill their dumb words,
Kill terrorism with your own bare hands.

When we all stick together,
We’re like animals in the zoo,
When the gate is opened and we run,
We all know just exactly what to do.



steve wardrip
Respond and Relapse

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot