Adding Another Year

steve wardrip
Respond and Relapse
3 min readDec 21, 2016


What’s the big lesson for the year? Decision Making.

That’s what I learned. I’ve been involved with some people who taught me decision making. They did it unwittingly. I watched them in varying situations, feel like they were forced to make decisions. From what I’ve seen, they were bad decisions. All things considered, I watched them fail and I watched them succeed.

What did I take away from watching people make life changing decisions? I learned that we can be too harsh on ourselves by making unrealistic declarations. Granted, Donald Trump is the new US President and that was accomplished on pure gonad power, if you get my drift. Donald Trump has a big bucket to carry them in. On the other hand, when I say I’m going to lift off the ground And fly to Mars for a visit, well, what do you think will happen? How optimistic are you? I don’t think I’m going to fly to Mars. I think I’ll stand here and look like a fool for thinking that I could. Then again, after watching people blindly decide to do this or that… I see one result… the consequences. Sometimes people act out of frustration and only end up shooting themselves in the foot, the very foot they were counting on to lead them out of the darkness or whatever restriction they were bound to.

Further more, life itself is nothing but decisions. Every decision is important. It’s even more important that we have in place out own personal system for success. We need to know what works and to do what works, not jump off the cliff and then decide it’s time to build a set of wings. Sure, it’s great to walk into a dark room with flashlight in hand, but what if?…. Always gets us. Keep that in mind when being careful and cautious to advance. Sometimes it will blow up in your face. “Know the dangers and do it anyway!”, is stupid logic that has gotten many people killed. Rather, as always, be careful, sober, straight thinking, analytical, curious and research everything. Ask questions, get informed, learn what to expect, have backup plans in place, be ready to expect the unexpected. When you want to turn right, the earthquake makes turn you left. When you wanted to go for a walk, the dam may burst and you may be swimming instead.

Bottom line: People get themselves into messes. The messes come from bad planning, bad choices, uninformed decisions, blind declarations and delusional thought. I.E. A girl watches a romantic movie, later that day a guy says “Hi.” And she falls in love with him because he’s convenient. She wants some of that romance. Turns out, he’s married, in deep debt with eight kids and is awaiting sentencing to prison. Her romantic movie got her pregnant with the married Daddy in jail. Good idea to fall in love, bad idea to fall for the first guy to come along. Think before you leap. If you still must leap, leap in short hops. Always be calculating and recalculating. Stop, think and wait. Most urgent situations require quick decisions and fortunately there aren’t many of those situations in a lifetime.

As I add another year, I have learned to make sound decisions. Look at it first from every angle. Weigh the benefits. Weigh the losses. What will you gain? What will you lose?

What risk are you taking?

Most of all, I have decided to not make stupid decisions. Where’s the rub in that? People have very little control over anything. Set your good intention.

Play by the rules. Expand your desired life the best you can, don’t expect miracles, experience them instead.

Make the right decisions. Never stop doing that.

Decide or be decided for, just decide to do it correctly.



steve wardrip
Respond and Relapse

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot