Why Mountain Dew is the Only Choice

steve wardrip
Respond and Relapse
2 min readMay 13, 2017

by m.s.wardrip

It’s BEST!


Mountains + Dew !!!

I drink Mtn. Dew because it makes me… gives me… let’s me…

  1. Feel like a complete person
  2. Feel like I’m on top of the world
  3. Taste the taste of my taste.
  4. Go the distance.
  5. Feel alive
  6. Feel arrived
  7. Feel happy
  8. Feel satisfied
  9. Feel my body
  10. Fill my body
  11. Be together in spirit
  12. Be alive and aware
  13. On top of things
  14. Can see from the top of the hill
  15. I can do it
  16. I am winning
  17. I win!
  18. This is great!
  19. This is fun!
  20. This is real!
  21. Mountain Dew is the deal
  22. No drink another
  23. There is no other
  24. The Dew is it
  25. The Dew is the shit
  26. Do the Dew
  27. Dew done did
  28. Dew Dew Dew… lookin’ out my back door.
  29. Just got home from Illinois… and got me Dew.
  30. Dew is the reason
  31. Mtn Dew, How do you do?
  32. I’m Dewin’ fine!
  33. How do you Dew?
  34. Just like this! Sip, Guzzle, Sip.
  35. I’m going to Dew something great!
  36. I’m Dewing it now. I’m drinking Dew.
  37. Dew, Dew, Dew da, Dah, Dah, Dah
  38. Dew the dew is few in the pew
  39. Dat’s okay, on the outside we do the dew.
  40. Doing the Dew is like a few new balloons.
  41. Smile when the Dew goes down
  42. Do the Dew with clowns
  43. Do the Dew within towns
  44. Do the Dew and have no frowns
  45. The Dew is good for crowns
  46. Dew is good to chase coffee grounds down
  47. Dewing the Dew is like chewing the clue
  48. Do the do, It’s the thing to do.
  49. When I do the Dew and make the company a few, they will compensate me too…. true? Do the Dew through and through and I hope it sees us through and through.
  50. So, what do you do? Do the Dew! Mountain Dew!!!



steve wardrip
Respond and Relapse

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot