Equity in Life: Everyone deserves a high quality of life

Lizeth Alvarez- Morales
Responding to Disaster
3 min readJun 1, 2018

Its hard to understand why people continue to treat one another like animals when we are all clearly human. What makes people think that they deserve a higher quality of life than anyone else or that others don’t deserve the right of life?

Bhopal India disaster of 1985

In the novel Animal’s People, by Indra Sinha, this issue is clearly portrayed. The novel addresses an industrial accident that occurred in Bhopal, India at a Dow Chemical Company factory placed in the poor town of Khaufpur. The deadly toxins that the accident released into the air, land, and water caused many death, injuries, and abnormalities to the people of Khaufpur. Because this town is considered lower class and is populated by people of a different race and ethnicity, the owners of the factory did not see it was of great importance and urgency to take responsibility. They sacrificed the health and well-being of the people for their economic health because they rather harm other human beings, made of the same skin and bones, than let their company fail. The factory was ignored for several years causing great suffering. Their homes are being messed with and their quality of life is being diminished. The people of this town deserve to live a healthy life as much as anyone else. It is not fair.

This can be related to several issues going on in today’s society. Just a few days ago, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, called immigrants animals and has been treating them accordingly.

Children of immigrants held in cages, like animals, at an ICE detention center.

“We have people coming into the country — or trying to come in, we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country, you wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals.” — Donald Trump, May 16, 2018


Immigrant do not deserve this cruelty. America has been portrayed as a land of opportunities. Immigrant people come to America for just that, to create a higher quality of life for themselves. They should not be turned away, much less called animals. As a president, one should understand that their words have a lot of power over others. Now that Donald Trump has called immigrants animals, it allows others to start treating them like it. It creates an epidemic of cruelty against people who are only trying to better their lives. Why do Americans believe that people of other countries don’t deserve the same opportunities they have? This mindset is all about pride. Pride is defined to be “deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements.” However ethnicity is not something that is achieved, it is something you are born into. It seems unfair to turn others away from opportunities just because they didn’t have the privilege of being born with them.

Many would thing think that the issue in these two scenarios is equality, but that’s false. The two issues are revolved around equity. Equity “represents fairness, or what may be termed as the equality of outcomes.” The people of Bhopal and immigrants did not receive equity. The people were stripped of it when the industrial accident occurred, and the owners of the company did not return it to them. Their lives were changed forever. Equity was taken away from the immigrants when America refused to take them in and supply opportunities for them. These two groups of people were taken away the ability to reach the high quality of life in which everyone deserves.


