Money and power corrupts Red Cross.

Guhyun Jung
Responding to Disaster
4 min readJun 15, 2018
Erich Schlegel

Money and Power is a scary thing. These two things may seem like fun, however it is really dangerous. Red Cross is exactly that. They claim that Red Cross is an organization that helps those affected by Disasters. Yet they use all the donated money towards unjust cause.

The Haiti earthquake that killed 316,000 people, injured 300,000 people, and leveled entire cities. 85% became homeless and 45% are still in need of food and shelter after 8 years. People all around the world donated so that the Haitians may build new homes and provide water. They donated an estimate of 500 million. Half a billion dollars to Red Cross to help Haiti. This was a huge mistake.

After getting all the money, Red Cross told the world that they were going to build 700,000 permanent homes with a bathroom and a living room in Haiti. Red Cross an organization whom everyone thought can be trusted broke all their trust and reliability. They built 6 homes. I’m just so fucking confused. The Haitians had told news reporters who came to check that they built 6….. How is that even possible? They receive half a billion dollars and they build on 6 homes. This pisses me off. I always thought that Red Cross was a foundation worth trusting. This event ruined my image of Red Cross. How can you make a claim that you were going to make 700,000 homes and make 6…. This is absolutely absurd. They then went on making excuses on saying how they evened out the money. For example, 50 million went to water, 150 million went to rebuilding, and 250 went to different parts of the country. According to the statisticians they believe the numbers do not add up. According to world news they had taken most of the money to help with their internal cause at Red Cross. This poses a question we all need to ask Red Cross. Are you doing this to help yourself or really help other people?\

I was reading the Shock Doctrine and the first few pages pissed me off due to people in power taking control of everything. After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans had to rebuild. The streets were flooded with water and bodies and rich people in power said, “We could have never gotten rid of the communities here, but God did. Now we can rebuild to make New Orleans better.” What the fuck is wrong with them. Do they not know how much pain this caused for this state? Do they not know how much they grieved? Do they not know how to be human? These people who have money and power, do not think about anything but themselves. Whether it may be to rebuild to build their ego, to make THIER state nicer, to have a good reputation. Sometimes I think people are just not humane. People who have only lived rich, only lived prestige, only lived life comfortably. It frustrates me like crazy and I have to talk about it because this is morally wrong. I just do not understand why people would become corrupt and use their power and money to help themselves.l

After Hurricane Harvey a very recent disaster, people are saying not to donate to Red Cross. This was because of how they went about in Haiti Earthquake. some people said, “ For the umpteenth time, don’t give red cross your money. Find grassroots efforts so people can actually get helped.” Others said, “They don’t help and pocket majority of your money, very little if any goes to those that need it.” This I believe because of what they did in Haiti. Please do not donate to Red Cross because this is a foundation that is not trusted. They also said if you donate to our cause we will build over 300,000 homes…. What did they do to Haiti, they said that they would build 700,000 homes and yet they built only. If you donate to their cause, Red Cross might just build 2.5 homes for people in Houston. See how ridiculous it is?

I strongly advise people do research before donating their money for organizations are not always trusted. They might use the money you donated for their cause. People need to know this that even foundations that helps natural disasters , do these kinds of things because they have the money and power to do so. Never using the money they receive to help the people in need, but help themselves.

