Spider-Man: Extra-Terrestrial or Citizen?

Maximiliano Dzul
Responding to Disaster
5 min readMay 31, 2018

In every superhero movie, the ultimate question made by the citizens is if superheroes are necessary? Do they pose a certain threat to society? The same can be said about people specifically immigrants.

Immigration has been an ongoing situation throughout many years and has become more prevalent recently throughout 2017–2018. Because of the recent presidency of Donald Trump, immigration has taken the spotlight of being a problem that needs fixing.

When Donald Trump ran his presidential campaign he focused his attention on Mexicans and how “they’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people” (Reilly). Donald Trump started a conversation that led people to believe in his narrative that Mexicans are a danger. He also stated that the wall to border Mexico and the U.S.A. needs to be built by the Mexicans themselves. Mexicans are being seen as savages, as a form of labor, treated like animals.

In the book “Animal’s People” by Indra Sinha, we get an inside look at the main character Animal who is treated less than a human, hence the name Animal. Animal is seen and treated less than any person in his city Khaufpur. Animal is relevant in creating the story of what it is like to be an outsider and feeling ostracized for being different. Animal is seen as disgusting and animal-like because of his spine causing an abnormality. This correlates with Immigration and how people like Donald Trump see Mexicans. The act of treating any human as an “alien” or “extraterrestrial” makes it seem that some people are superior over another. Racism and human superiority are being shown in text and through the media, fiction and reality. “Animal’s People” helped in bringing an understanding that if you do not offer something to society, you are left behind to rot. Animal was seen as disposable and was only to offer labor in secret. Animal would donate blood to help the sick, but had to give it to someone else to sell it because his blood was seen as tainted. Animal would dig up scraps from the trash to eat and would be given food in a dog bowl. He also was sent to spy on any inconsistencies that were occurring in town because he would go unnoticed by many because he was not seen as threat.

Immigrants who come to America looking for salvation are handed the same treatment as Animal. Immigrants are looking for a better life by trying for any job they can get. Donald Trump is becoming the blockage of letting this happen when he just continues to bash the names of Mexicans. The president of the United States is like the people of Khaufpur from “Animal’s People”. The act of seeing the people of Mexico as criminals for working hard labor in the United States is preposterous. Immigrants are denied citizenship and have to lie about being in the U.S. and receive sometimes less than the minimum wage.

In recent news, a man named Mamoudou Gassama has committed an act of heroism. He is being called ‘Spider-Man’ for climbing up a building to rescue a child. This man is an illegal immigrant from Mali who has now been recognized for his kind act. Mamoudou was asked by French President Emmanuel Macron to the Elysee Palace to award him a medal, certificate, and offer him citizenship. Mamoudou had stationed in France for months, but with his kindness documented through video, the French President has said that Mamoudou has proven himself. President Emmanuel has stated that France “can not give [citizenship] to all those who come from Mali, from Burkina. When they are in danger, we give asylum, but not for economic reasons”(Mitchell). The President told Mamoudou “but in your case, you did something exceptional” (Mitchell). The outcome of helping this 4-year-old boy led to a positive outcome. The problem with this outcome is that it sets a standard and fixes a narrative as to who is allowed the right to be a citizen.

Mamoudou Gassama deserves citizenship for his courageous act, but why couldn’t he be allowed citizenship before? The President of France said it himself. The people of France do not offer citizenship to anyone seeking refuge, but since Mamoudou did “something exceptional”, he should be allowed to become a part of society. Does Mamoudou’s immigrant status make him seem less than a person? Now that he is able to fit into normal society, no one can refer to him as an “animal” or “alien” for coming to a country illegally. This video showing this kind act should be looked at as enlightenment. This video can truly show that every person whether “illegal or not” is human in every sense. No one should have to commit an act of heroism to be considered worthy enough of belonging. There is no true way of being able to tell who is a good or bad person. There are actual criminals in all parts of the world who are already in their own country. People should be accepted into any country and not be seen as anything less. ‘Spider-Man’ and everyone else should be citizens and not be called “aliens”. No human came from another planet, they just come from a different country. Land should not be blocked by borders and prejudice, but instead offer love and kindness. We all can be the hero and offer sanctuary to anyone who wants it. Each country has its own rules and laws that protect citizens from criminals. Not everyone who comes into a new place is looking to defy the laws, but instead looks to join a society.

Work Cited

Mitchell Ellen. “Macron promises French citizenship to ‘Spider-Man’ who saved child’s life.” The Hill. May 28, 2018. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news-other/389638-macron-promises-french-citizenship-to-spider-man-that

Reilly, Katie. ”Here Are All the Times Donald Trump Insulted Mexico.” Time. August 31, 2016. http://time.com/4473972/donald-trump-mexico-meeting-insult/

Sinha, Indra. Animal’s People. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2009.


