The tree outside my window

Patrick Tomassi
1 min readSep 17, 2013


The tree outside my window
is covered with beards of moss —
some vibrant,
some nearly white, the life-
green fading.

They are the beards of old men,
filled with tears of rain, dripping,
dripping as to the frail shaking branches they

From the branches shoot twigs
like thousands of fingers, reaching
upward. Yearning.
They are the fingers on Jeremiah’s hands,
not able to grasp, but still they

The twigs like tiny streams flow
downward. Joining
others they form branches that swell
and narrow, and bend into the
river. It flows out to the
ocean, consuming the tears as they

Written on March 11th, 2012 at the Trappist Abbey in Carlton, Oregon

