11 Beautiful Reasons Why We Love Working in Rural Areas

One Acre Fund
Responsible Business
4 min readJun 16, 2017

At One Acre Fund, we love our work because we get to serve farmers every single day. A side benefit is that we also live and work in some of the most beautiful places in the world. Check out the 11 photos below to see some of the reasons why we think it’s great to work in rural areas.

1 Peaceful Commutes. Nadia Ahmad, Dyana Mageto, and Kevan Christensen walk through the morning mist to One Acre Fund’s new headquarters in Kakamega, Kenya. One of the highlights of rural living is that our staff can enjoy peaceful walks to and from work instead of sitting in city traffic.

2 Active Lifestyles. Scott Sanderson from our Program Innovations team goes on a morning ride through the maize fields and hills near Kakamega, Kenya. Early morning and late evening runs and rides are popular activities for staff across all our countries of operation.

3 Stunning Scenery The sun crests over the Rwandan hills near Rubengera, where our Rwanda operations are based. Stunning views like these are practically in constant sight when conducting field visits, because of Rwanda’s beautiful landscape.

4 Hands-on Work Moshi Den Diwani harvests maize with our Tanzania headquarters team. We want everyone working with us to feel connected to the farmers we serve, so all our staff — even those in typically office-based departments like HR — make regular visits to the field throughout the year.

5 Connecting with Farmers. District Director Constance Sakala follows farmer Mary Bomani through the Malawian countryside to go see Mary’s maize field. Our operations in Malawi are based in Zomba, which is known for its lush landscapes and unmatched vistas from high plateaus.

6 Creating Impact. Katja Muller works from the canteen at our office in Rubengera, overlooking some of Rwanda’s thousand hills. “By living where our clients are based, I get to experience an immediate connection to our mission every time I walk to the market or drive around these beautiful hills,” she says. “The views are breathtaking, but the peace I feel from doing this work and getting to see the results — that is the real beauty of it.”

7 Fresh Air. Staff work on a training exercise at our Rwanda headquarters in Rubengera. The office has a variety of outdoor working spaces, providing plenty of opportunities for fresh air.

8 Exploring the Countryside. Small farms make up a patchwork quilt landscape near our office in Myramvya, Burundi. Similar to Rwanda, visits to our farmers in Burundi yield endlessly stunning views.

9 Taking in Mountain Views. Farmers walk along a road under the towering Mount Mulanje in Malawi. The farms of Zomba almost always offer views of Malawi’s mountains on the horizon.

10 Time for Fun. Staff play a card games, socialize, and take in the sunset at an office happy hour in Rubengera, Rwanda. After work activities allow our staff to connect across teams and get to know each other.

11 Working in Beautiful Places. The sun sets over Lake Kivu in Nyamasheke, Rwanda. Our operations in Rwanda sit near the famous Lake Kivu, which means sunset swims are a staff favorite!



One Acre Fund
Responsible Business

Working to make smallholder farmers more prosperous. #FarmersFirst